Redefining Family in San Diego: Embracing Different Dynamics with Supportive Mediation

Redefining Family in San Diego Embracing Different Dynamics with Supportive

When we hear the word family, many of us picture a traditional setup: parents, siblings, and grandparents gathered around a dinner table. But in a vibrant, diverse community like San Diego, family can look very different for everyone. For some, family means staying close to blood relatives and cherishing the bonds with their parents, siblings, […]

How to Introduce a New Significant Other Into Holiday Traditions with Your Kids After Divorce

How to Introduce Significant Other Into Holiday Traditions with Your Kids After Divorce

The holidays are a time for family, joy, and creating meaningful memories. For divorced parents, introducing a new significant other into holiday traditions with your children can be a delicate process. Done thoughtfully, this introduction can pave the way for a smoother transition and foster positive relationships within your blended family. As a divorce mediator […]

Just a thought…

San Diego Family Mediation Child Support & Spousal Support Calculators

For those of you out there that are co-parenting after a divorce, I have a thought.  As most people know, your children will always long for their mom and dad to get back together, it is a natural desire for children of divorce.  While in most cases this does not happen, imagine how your children […]