How to Approach Summer Travel with Your Co-Parent
Being divorced with children isn’t easy. Many things should be easy but quickly get complicated when you are navigating it with a co-parent. Summer travel is one of those high-conflict topics that can send even the most friendly co-parenting relationships for a loop. San Diego Family Mediation understands exactly how to approach the topic and […]
How to Handle Co-Parenting Conflicts: Medical Decisions
While there certainly is a lot of reading out there on parenting and divorce, there isn’t a handbook for your specific child. A common point of contention in co-parenting is medical decisions. Getting an unexpected medical diagnosis for your child is intensely stressful, emotional, and heartbreaking. But what can take this difficult situation from bad […]
Virtual School & Co-Parenting: As If It Weren’t Difficult Enough
Most kids have begun their new school year, with the vast majority starting virtually or homeschool. For most parents, this isn’t how they pictured the new school year going, and for parents who are dealing with the already challenging nature of co-parenting, it can feel like complete chaos. Now kids are expected to be on their […]
Guest Post: How Is Child Custody Determined?
Divorces happen; and when they do, one of the toughest questions to deal with is, “Who gets custody of the kids?” While the divorce decree specifies which parent the children live with and the circumstances of the other parent’s visitation rights, many modern-day parents often work out these arrangements without taking things to court — […]