Co-Parenting Teenagers: 3 Simple Things You Can Do That Makes a Huge Difference


Parenting teenagers is a different ball game. You may feel as though you are talking to a wall who occasionally replies in “bruh” or some intense eye-rolling. Teenagers have a mind of their own, and they aren’t typically shy about letting you know exactly what they are feeling. Divorce or parental separation can be especially […]

How to Co-Parent with a Narcissist

co-parenting with a narcissist

Being in a marriage, or any relationship for that matter, with a narcissist, can be incredibly toxic. While you can cut them out of your life completely, and that is typically the best method, what happens if you can’t? Having a child with a narcissist can be emotionally draining. You may feel extremely uneasy leaving […]

My Ex Keeps Spending the Child Support on Themselves!

A common issue seen in almost every co-parenting relationship is regarding child support. It is extremely often to get parents in mediation that express anger or concern that the child support they are paying isn’t going directly to the children. Some people cite recent vacations, clothing, cars, or even indicate the other parent is spending […]

Back to School Tips for Co-Parents

san diego divorce

If you are like me, you can’t believe that the summer is coming to a close and schools are back in session. The change in schedule can send some co-parents for a loop. Kids that were once happy from long, school-free days are dreading the return to the classroom. Add in the divorce stress, and you […]

Co-Parenting with a Teenager

The dreaded teenage years are a defining stage in a child’s life. They are also a terrifying and unprecedented stage for parents to deal with. If you don’t put up a united co-parenting front, chaos may ensue. Hormones have got a lot to answer for. Even as fully mature adults we are well aware of […]