Redefining Family in San Diego: Embracing Different Dynamics with Supportive Mediation
When we hear the word family, many of us picture a traditional setup: parents, siblings, and grandparents gathered around a dinner table. But in a vibrant, diverse community like San Diego, family can look very different for everyone. For some, family means staying close to blood relatives and cherishing the bonds with their parents, siblings, […]
How San Diego Family Mediation Center Ensures You and Your Partner Are Not Only Heard – But Understood
Divorce can often feel like a whirlwind of emotions, miscommunications, and misunderstandings. In a time when everything is in flux, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure if you and your partner are even on the same page. At San Diego Family Mediation Center, we understand the importance of clear, consistent communication throughout the mediation […]
Helping Co-Parents Navigate the Day-to-Day Challenges of Parenting from Two Households
Divorce is a significant life change that impacts not only the parents but also the children involved. Speaking with one of my clients the other day, she brought up an issue that I hear many co-parents talk about: when kids forget essential items at the other parent’s house. This seemingly small problem can lead to […]
Buy-out of the Marital Home
In so many of our divorce cases, one party wants to keep the marital home. Over the years, the attraction to keeping the marital home has gone through many ups and downs. Think back to 2007-2009, most of our clients had negative equity, and no one wanted the home, but also no one could get […]