Divorcecorp.com – the Movie

Mediation Often Misrepresented in Film and TV

There is a new movie being released this month (January 2014), that exposes family court for what it really is. This is an issue near and dear to my heart and I have always wanted to write a book about these very issues myself, to show the world what really happens in family court cases. How absolutely devastating litigation can be on a family. I haven’t seen the movie yet myself, but plan to do so soon. You can see a trailer of the movie if you go to the website www.divorcecorp.com.

Hopefully, this is another stepping stone to push mediation even further out into the lime light and reveal all of the benefits that mediation can offer, both emotionally and financially.

Litigating your divorce can cost you everything…it is so sad. This movie is a great reflection of what people need to know about the system as a whole. I hope you get a chance to view it too! Come back and leave your feedback…:)

by: Jennifer Segura

Jennifer Segura with west coast family mediation center