“Please Don’t Divorce Me!”

So the other day I was flipping through channels looking for something to watch and came across a documentary on HBO titled “Please Don’t Divorce Me!”. This is an amazing documentary and if I could somehow embed it in my website I certainly would…it is a 30 minute explanation of what NOT to do to your children during your divorce…told by, THE KIDS! The children are between 6-9 years old and they have a lunch group that meets and discusses their issues with their parents divorce, new step-moms and step-dads, and step brothers and sisters. They also have little interviews with the kids asking them what they wish their parents would do or not do. It is seriously so heartbreaking to see what these small children go through. It is also very telling…it is exactly what you would expect them to say and what I tell my clients all the time.  Here are some examples;

(1) Don’t use me as a messenger;

(2) Don’t say bad things about mommy or daddy to me;

(3) Don’t fight anymore;

