Holistic Wellness: Mind, Body, Spirit Workshop

Holistic Wellness
Holistic Wellness

When San Diego Family Mediation Center opened as San Diego Family Mediation Center in 2008, our main goal was always to work with our clients at a holistic level. The holistic wellness process inspired us to help our clients through one of the most difficult processes an individual and family can go through, divorce, in the most ethical and empathetic way possible. However, we wanted to do more than just get them through. We wanted to help them resolve the issues at the core of their relationships, rebuild those relationships from the ground up, and come out of our process feeling a sense of renewal that they never expected.  

Holistic Wellness Practices

Over the years we discovered holistic wellness resources to incorporate including self-care workshops and offered webinars through the pandemic to help our community understand what their options were as courts closed around the county. In the summer of 2022, we added Transition Coaching to our higher-end packages. The coaching is with a long-time trusted colleague, Katy Goshtasbi, and we have received raving reviews as to how much her coaching has helped couples throughout their divorce process. If you would like to learn more about Katy’s coaching, click here.     

For 2023, we have partnered with a great team that focuses on Mind-Body Health and QiGong to help our community learn healthy ways to cope with the stressful lives we all live and to enable us all to create healthy, happy relationships. Holistic wellness advocate, Natasha is a licensed marriage and family therapist turned mind-body wellness coach. She specializes in helping successful professionals navigate extreme stress and their relationships to create and maintain healthy, prosperous, joyful lives. Shophar is a renowned QiGong teacher, an ancient movement meditation that has proven to be a helpful intervention for cancer, depression, and mental focus. He is also known for his groundbreaking “S.E.X.” (Sensual Emotional eXchange) teachings.  

Mind, Body, Spirit Workshop Schedule

This dynamic duo will be providing holistic wellness practices at our office on the third Thursday of each month from 6:00 – 7:30 pm. Here is the calendar of topics for the duration of 2023:  

January 19, 2023: New Foundations for a successful, stress-free year 

February 16, 2023: Abundance: Balancing all areas of your life 

March 16, 2023: Clearing the Hurts: clear your emotional blocks & deepen your relationships 

April 20, 2023: Co-dependency: Learning to manage your own life post-separation 

May 18, 2023: Relationship Dynamics: There is more than one way to have a successful relationship 

June 15, 2023: No Workshop this Month 

July 20, 2023: S.E.X: Sensual Emotional Xchange Beginning of TIME series 

August 17, 2023: Time: Father Time and Mother Moment 

September 21, 2023: Intimacy: Relationships cannot thrive without intimacy 

October 19, 2023: Money: The Gains and Losses we Share 

November 16, 2023: Energy: Find your Purpose – Increase your Energy 

December 21, 2023: No Workshop this Month         

Give Yourself the Gift of Holistic Wellness

If you are a current client of WCFMC, you will receive FREE access to three of the workshops while you are in mediation with us. For past clients or community members who are not a WCFMC client, there is a small fee to attend the workshops.  

Please click here to register for a workshop. If you are a current client, please reach out to your mediator or Anthony Snead, in our office, to get the code to gain FREE access.  

We are thrilled to be able to offer these fantastic and informative workshops to our local community (and for those of you not local, please reach out if you are interested and we can look into recording them so you can join as well!)  

We look forward to helping heal our community in 2023!

by: Jennifer Segura
