New Year, New Beginnings for San Diego Family Mediation Center

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west coast family mediation center

When New Year’s Eve comes around, it is a human instinct to feel sentimental that the year has passed and optimistic for the future. Common resolutions include getting in better shape, better time management, finally starting that book, etc. You think to yourself, THIS YEAR will be THE year! Then the months go by and little by little the resolutions diminish. But you know what, that is okay. We all do our best and inevitably, we all grow as each year passes, whether we try to or not.   

At San Diego Family Mediation Center, we have planned some new beginnings and we are excited to share them with you.    

2023 San Diego Family Mediation Center Workshops 

On the third Thursday of every month, we will have a Mind, Body, Spirit workshop at our office from 6-7:30 pm. Our workshops will be run by Natasha Edwina and Shophar. Natasha is a licensed marriage and family therapist turned mind-body wellness coach. She specializes in helping successful professionals navigate extreme stress and their relationships to create and maintain healthy, prosperous, joyful lives. Shophar is a renowned QiGong teacher, an ancient movement meditation that has proven to be a helpful intervention for cancer, depression, and mental focus. He is also known for his groundbreaking “S.E.X.” (Sensual Emotional eXchange) teachings. Each month they will be covering a new and exciting topic to help our clients live their best life as they navigate the divorce process.  

Each of our clients will have access to three FREE workshops during their time with us at San Diego Family Mediation Center. Just one more way we hope to give back to our clients and community. This workshop is not only for current clients, anyone can join. We are just offering three workshops free of charge for current clients.   

New Additions to Help us Better Serve our Clients  

A new Mediator has joined the San Diego Family Mediation Center team! Many of you have likely spoken with Lauren over the last year. She has been working with us and training to become our next mediator. She comes with an amazing background in law and therapy. Check out her bio on our site to learn more about her. We are now 5 mediators strong and continuing to grow!  

We also have a new office in the Bay Area! We’ve spent the last few months of 2022 getting more established in Northern California. We hope to be the go-to mediation firm for all of California someday – but for now, we are happy to be the go-to mediation firm for San Diego, and soon, the Bay Area! I was born in the Bay Area and spent the first few years of my life up there and I have a ton of family up there still. Interestingly, the building our new office is in, Jack London Square, both my father and grandfather worked in years ago (like, many, many, many, years ago)!  

Give Yourself Grace

If you are anything like us, these last few years have been a lot. As we slide into 2023, 4 years after the pandemic began, be kind to yourself and those around you. I always hear “we are in this together,” but the reality is, we may have all been in the same storm, but we all had different boats, or possibly no boat at all. If you are still here and still pushing forward with a heart full of hope for a better future, be proud of that! That is a lot! We didn’t all make it, many of us lost family members or friends during these last few years, me included. I am grateful every day to wake up and see what this world has in store for me. Life can be tough, heart-wrenching, and messy. It is also beautiful, exciting, and full of wonder.

Just remember, it has never been about the destination – it has always been about the journey. Our skilled mediators are happy to help you along the way and provide any support you may need. Schedule a consultation today.

by: Jennifer Segura

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