How to Plan an Affordable Divorce

Everyone knows that getting divorced can cost you. But many people don’t realize how incredibly expensive the entire process is. Did you know that the average price of a divorce in the United States ranges from $15,000 to $30,000 per person? That is only taking into consideration the legal fees, not the other expenses that go along with splitting a household like living expenses, deposits for new accounts, moving costs, etc. The key to financially surviving a divorce is to make smart decisions on how to complete your divorce and create a plan for moving forward. At San Diego Family Mediation Center, we have a few tips on how to complete an affordable divorce.

Choose Mediation

Mediation costs a fraction of the price of a contested divorce in court. SDFMC has several divorce mediation packages to choose from that will fit just about any budget. We find that many parties that disagree on just about everything will both support the idea of saving money. To talk about which divorce mediation packages may fit your needs, please contact our office.

Set a Budget

Every household needs a monthly budget that takes into account income and required expenses. There is no difference during a divorce. Sit down with the other party and discuss how much you can spend on your divorce and create a plan. The majority of divorces can be completed within a handful of sessions, if you have more complicated dissolution, you may need a few more meetings to iron things out. Talk with your mediator about your costs and plan your budget accordingly.

Conflict Is Costly

When talking about affordability and your divorce, you need to realize that any conflict you and your spouse have will take up valuable time. Weigh the benefit of arguing over a particular issue with the monetary cost of the mediation. Pick your battles and spend time talking about issues that really matter to you. If you choose not to work with your soon-to-be-ex in a cohesive and cooperative manner, you will see just how costly conflict can be.

If you are interested in a much more affordable divorce, contact the San Diego mediators at San Diego Family Mediation Center. Call (858) 736-2411.
