San Diego Child Support: How Is it Calculated and What Does it Cover?

San Diego child support

There always seems to be confusion around what San Diego child support covers. We thought we would break it down for you here.

California has adopted minimum “guideline” standards for child support, but there is no maximum. The legislature has adopted statewide guidelines that base child support on a mathematical calculation. It is primarily dependent upon the income of the payer and the amount of time the non-custodial parent spends with the child(ren). However, the child(ren) is entitled to be supported in a style and condition commensurate with the position in life and standard of living enjoyed by both parents. In determining a parent’s ability to pay child support, a court may consider: the value of that parent’s share of the community property, as well as any separate property the parent may have. The court will also look at the earnings of the parent, or his or her earning capacity should the parent be “underemployed.”

San Diego Child Support is Used to Cover the Following Expenses:

Child support covers only ordinary living expenses for a child. It does not include childcare, medical bills not paid by insurance, travel expenses for visitation with the noncustodial parent or a child’s special education needs. Parents must explicitly ask the judge to include these additional expenses in the child support order. If they do not, the costs may be divided, so each parent pays 50 percent.

So what are Ordinary Living Expenses?

Rent, utilities, food, and clothing. It does not cover child care, extra-curricular activities, school supplies, school field trips, etc. All of those costs can be split 50/50 or sometimes pro-rata to the share of income the party has if there is a large discrepancy.

Child support orders are modifiable upon a showing of a material change in circumstances.

San Diego Child Support Mediation

Need more information about San Diego Child Support, how it is calculated, and what it covers? Contact San Diego Family Mediation Center today!

by: Jennifer Segura

Jennifer Segura with west coast family mediation center