The Complexity of Sick Days When Co-Parenting

sick days while co-parenting

Often, things come up in my own family that make me wonder how the particular issue is dealt with when co-parenting after a divorce. One such issue is dealing with managing sick days when co-parenting. Who misses work when a child is sick? The question has potential to spark conflict.

When I bring up this issue in mediation, my clients often seem confused about why I am asking. While many parents have no problem being flexible and reasonable and doing what needs to be done to ensure one party isn’t having the burden fall on them every time…there are definitely those that are not.

These days, with so many people working from home, it may not be as big of an issue as it once was. In the past, where I have seen it cause the most problems is in jobs that can’t be performed from home, like police officers, firemen, doctors, and nurses.

Navigating Work Obligations and Sick Days in Co-Parenting: Finding Fair Solutions

For example, in the past, I had a couple who were both police officers. One was a Captain, and one was in the field.

The Captain, of course, had more power in his position, but it still was damaging to his career to call out because kids are sick. However, the mother, who was in the field, could lose her job if she missed too many days; plus, she left her partner alone on the days she had to call in.

There were no good answers for this co-parenting couple. So, the best answer we could come up with that was fair and reasonable was to trade-off every other time the kids were sick. This way, they could both limit their time away from work.

This was only possible because the co-parents were willing to work together. Each cared about the other person enough to see how their lives and careers could be negatively impacted if they allowed the standard “whoever has custody that day, stays home” concept.

What happens when the parents do NOT care enough to do that? Then what do you do? Well, you talk about it…

Considerations for Managing Sick Days in Co-Parenting

Here are some things to consider:

  • If your co-parent has a less flexible job than you and constantly has to take time off to care for sick kids, how will it impact you if they losses their job?
  • If the kids tend to get sick on your time, would you feel OK always being the parent who must rearrange your schedule to care for the kids while they are sick?
  • Are there family members or close friends who are willing to care for the kids if they are sick, allowing you both to go to work? If the said family member or friend is from your circle, are you open to allowing your co-parent to utilize this person as well?
  • Do the kids tend to want one parent specifically when they are sick? Think of why that might be. Are there things you can do that the other parent does to make the child feel better and be OK with you or them?
  • Is taking time off work just an inconvenience? Or might it affect your position or job stability?

Prioritizing Co-Parenting for Your Kids’ Well-Being

Being a parent is not an easy job in any circumstance. Some sacrifices have to be made, and choices are often limited due to the need to put our children’s well-being before our own.

Prioritizing your children’s well-being should never be clouded by your feelings (be they negative or positive) about your co-parent. While it may feel like you are punishing your co-parent, your son or daughter is the real individual being punished.

It is always important to keep in mind that your kids never chose this… they have to live with your decisions that have a huge impact on their day-to-day life. Yet, more often than not, they still keep a smile on their little faces and bounce on forward with optimism and energy only a child can encompass. For this, they deserve to be protected and cared for to the best of you and your co-parents’ abilities.

So have the hard conversations, listen to your co-parent. Make good decisions based on the right goals…providing your children the best life you can, regardless of your marital status.

Contact Us for Help with Managing Sick Days in Co-Parenting

Need to talk about sick days? Contact San Diego Family Mediation Center to schedule a FREE virtual consultation to discuss managing sick days and other co-parenting issues.

by: Jennifer Segura

Jennifer Segura with west coast family mediation center