California Divorce Custody Planning: Summer Parenting Plan

summer california divorce custody planning with Jennifer Segura|California Divorce Custody Planning

If you are a parent, come February/March you’re likely to be thinking about summer camps and getting the kids registered before they all book up. I remember the first year I had to put my daughter in summer camps, I was blown away by how early I had to get her registered. It can be so difficult to figure it all out. I remember writing out all the weeks I needed her in a camp and then listing out all the potential camps for her to choose from. Adding up how much they would all cost and then crossed my fingers that they would not book up before I could register her.

All of this sounds complicated, and it is when you are married. When you are not married and must do all this contemporaneously with your co-parent – it may feel insurmountable. But it doesn’t have to.  

Plan Early 

When it comes to California divorce custody planning, plan early. Like co-parenting in general, it all comes down to communication. Having it early and often. It is absolutely critical that you plan early. Think through when you may want to have your time to vacation with your kids, when you may have some time for a staycation with them, and which weeks you will absolutely need childcare or a camp. 

Send that information to your co-parent and have them look at those weeks and fill in when he or she will take their vacation with the kids and then you will have full transparency as to which weeks you will both need to be covered. You may find that now you are in two households, you will have fewer weeks that you will need to put the kids in a camp. This could be a huge money saver! Summer camps are no joke! So being able to cross 2 or 3 weeks off the summer camp schedule can be a savings of $1,000 or more! 

Communication is Key for Your Parenting Plan

You always must keep an eye out for silver linings in your California divorce custody planning. They may be small (like saving some money on summer camps) or they may be huge (like an absent parent stepping up and becoming a fantastic parent). You never know when they may arise and it is so important not to overlook them. If nothing else, just remember, communicate, communicate, communicate! Anything can be solved so long as you keep talking!   

Call San Diego Family Mediation Center at (858) 736-2411 regarding co-parenting and California divorce custody planning. Mediation can be beneficial if you and your co-parent need to co-exist in peace for a child or want to discuss potential issues before they arise.

by: Jennifer Segura

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