Why Attorneys Reviewing Mediation Agreements Often Miss the Point

Attorneys Reviewing Mediation Agreements Often Miss the Point

As mediators, we’re uniquely positioned to help people resolve their family conflicts in a way that honors their specific needs, values, and circumstances. Mediation is not just about finding a middle ground—it’s about empowering individuals to make decisions that work for their lives, rather than forcing them into the rigid confines of what a judge […]

Where Do I File for Divorce?

Where do I file for Divorce

If you and your spouse have decided to move forward with the divorce together, or if you have made that choice on your own, the next step is to file a divorce petition. If you have lived in California for six months or more or in the county for more than three months. If you […]

3 Things to Ask For In Divorce Mediation

Some wonder which things to ask for in divorce mediation. There are some important things to request that tend to get forgotten. 

Entering into any divorce typically puts couples in a defensive state of mind. Understandable since our society has depicted divorce as an adversarial process. However, divorce can be a collaborative event in which each party contributes their feelings, thoughts, and hopes for the future of their relationship. When couples have an initial consultation, many of […]

Who Moves Out During a Divorce?

Divorce figuratively and physically causes a split within a family. Once the decision has been made to move forward with dissolution, the practicalities of divorce begin to settle in. Who moves out of the home? Who stays? If there are children, who is the primary caregiver? While the family dynamics may push a couple towards […]

Embracing New Traditions After a Divorce

The holidays are a time of tradition. Some of us put up decorations, some cook a special family dish and you listen to the same music each year. It is a comfort to expect the same things each year and allows you time to reflect on past experiences with family and friends. However, after a […]

Starting Mediation With Us: What to Expect

|starting mediation

We know the divorce process can be very overwhelming and we want to provide as much information as we can to help alleviate any anxiety around this process. We hope you will someday look back at this time in your life and at the very least, remember that you felt informed and in control. There […]

Can You Get a Divorce Online?

can you get a divorce online

Due to COVID19, you may see a lot of advertisements that boast online divorce services. They may be a bit misleading. While you definitely can complete all of the divorce paperwork digitally, it isn’t like submitting an online application or ordering food online. It is a much more complex process. Can you get a divorce […]

Dividing Your Friends During a Divorce

divorce friends

During a divorce, people walk into the process understanding that you will have to divide your finances, time with your children, but no one anticipates the dividing of friendships. There is always a slight bit of denial, especially when divorces are amicable, that mutual friends will have to make a choice. However, many couples find that […]

The Conflict Rabbit Hole & Other Dangers of Litigation

I’m sure you have heard it all before, “I thought we agreed on x, y, z? Why is your attorney asking for something different than what we discussed? Why do we have another hearing date? Why are you pushing things further out? Why are you waiting to respond?” the frustrations of going to court are […]

Sometimes It’s Better to Cut Your Losses

If you are a perfectionist, type-A personality type, it can be so difficult to call it quits. You want to do everything in your power to prevent your marriage from coming to an end. You spend hours researching therapy and communication techniques. You dig deep-down introspectively to try and find out what you can control […]

8 Best Kids Books That Explain Divorce


Being a parent sometimes means having really difficult conversations with your child. If you and your spouse have decided to get a divorce, explaining it to your kids in an age-appropriate way may feel impossible. Thankfully, there are a lot of great books out there that can help in sparking conversation, discussing feelings surrounding divorce, […]

Ramifications of Divorce & Employee Productivity

Divorce & Employee Productivity

Divorce can be an expensive undertaking, especially for those who decide to litigate with adversarial attorneys. We know that divorce also carries costs for those closest to us, our family, our kids, and even our friends. There is another cost that often escapes our notice, but that can still have a measurable impact on our […]