Where Do I File for Divorce?

Where do I file for Divorce

If you and your spouse have decided to move forward with the divorce together, or if you have made that choice on your own, the next step is to file a divorce petition. If you have lived in California for six months or more or in the county for more than three months. If you have moved away from your ex, you will not be able to file in your new home county until you establish residence. That means you have to live within the county for three months or more. Then you will file in that county’s particular court. Hopefully, this blog provides some clarity on the question, “Where do I file for divorce?”

What Do I Need to File for Divorce In San Diego?

There is loads of information on the court’s website about what you will need to file for divorce in San Diego. While you can access these documents online, we urge clients to have a legal professional look through them first. Incorrectly filling out the paperwork (which is very easy to do) can be inconvenient at best and devastating at worst. A court may reject your paperwork, leaving you with a longer timeline for your divorce. You may accidentally check a box that leads to a poor outcome for you down the line if things end up getting heated. Instead, talk to our mediators. We can help you walk through the entire process, even if you don’t need mediation time. We offer document preparation services.

How Do I Get Started?

The first step is to contact our team and set up an appointment for a free virtual consultation. Then we can walk you through everything, including “Where do I file for divorce?” and even file the documents for you. You never have to step foot inside a courtroom. Once you establish that mediation is a good fit for your divorce, we will ask you for some basic information to fill out your petition. We will then provide you with a list of more detailed financial paperwork we will need as your case moves forward. We then use the information we gather with discussions in mediation to craft a personalized marital settlement agreement. This agreement is filed with the final paperwork and will be signed and stamped by a judge.

To schedule your free virtual consultation with a mediator, call (858) 736-2411 today. We are happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have.
