Tips for Going Through a Divorce During the Holidays


The holidays may be the hardest time to go through a divorce. You are probably feeling overwhelmed by images of happy families, traditions that remind you of your marriage, and prying questions from family and close friends. It is enough to make you want to ball up and hide until after New Year’s Day. While the holidays (especially the first one) may be incredibly tough, it can get easier if you know how to cope correctly.

The mediators here at San Diego Family Mediation Center have helped countless clients through a holiday divorce. Through our experience, we have gathered a few key things you can do to make the season a bit merrier.

Kids? Keep It Consistent

If you have children together, it is important that you keep the first holiday separated as consistent as possible. It is recommended, if you can, to spend it together. Showing your kids that you and the other parent can still get along for their sake is incredibly important. Try to keep the same traditions as the year before, even if you do split it up between two households.

Single? Create New Traditions

If you are single, holiday traditions that you and your spouse celebrated may make you feel upset or depressed. Take this opportunity to create new and fun traditions with friends and family. Treat yourself to something you have been wanting. Go on a road trip to somewhere you have never been. Simply, take some time to be nice to yourself during the season.

Help Others

When you are going through a stressful divorce, it helps to give back to others who have also fallen on hard times. According to a study by Harvard, volunteering helps people feel more socially connected, warding off loneliness and depression. It also was shown to lower blood pressure and increase overall health. Find non-profit organizations in your city that need volunteers. It will benefit your body and mind while you are coping with your divorce.

If you are going through a divorce and need assistance coming to an agreement, contact our mediators at San Diego Family Mediation Center to schedule your initial consultation.

by: Jennifer Segura

Jennifer Segura with west coast family mediation center